Kimberly Branham's Digital Portfolio
How can i teach people how music is affecting their feelings and memories?
genius hour project
With the 20% of my time that I got, I decided to make a website that displayed all of the information that I had gathered after researching. On the website, there are different pages for the different information that I had found and there are also some images on different pages that go along with the information. To make my website, I first started by researching my topic which was how music affects your feelings. After I started to research that, I began to start making the website and then adding the different information and pages. While doing this, I was also researching other information for the various other pages at the same time. This was one of my struggles because I would start to research one topic then stop and start another one so then I would have to pieces that were only half way done and wouldn’t know how to continue with the research. I didn’t exactly overcome this, because I continued to jump around with my research, but as I got farther into the research, I became more focused on a central idea and jumped around in that. For example, while researching artists, I would research different artists at the same time.
I spent most of my work time researching since I had no background knowledge of my topic. To find my information I would just search my question (how does listening to music affect your emotions?) and look for websites that looked to be credible and pull information from them. I used different types f websites for the different information. For the artists, I could just use Wikipedia to find information because I already knew some things about them and could use Wikipedia to check or remember some things. For the information on how the music is affecting you, my main resource was an article written by a student at Penn State University, which gave me a lot of the information. It was very easy to find additional information because there were many websites and articles that answered this question. As I said before, the only obstacle I really had was jumping around in my research which I never really overcame, I just worked with it.

This is an image of the memory page on my genius hour websitee. On it, it is talking about how music can help your brain to remember an event and also how setting words to a rhythm can help you to also remember things (like your ABC's).