Kimberly Branham's Digital Portfolio
Language Arts & History
An issue I deal with is I have the memory of an infant. I struggle to remember a lot of things. This is a problem when it comes to many classes and I feel this is where I have had a challenge all year.
At the beginning of the year we did the monologue project. This was a project between Language Arts and history where we first learned about 8 imperial countries in history and the struggles that occurred and then in language arts we learned how to write a monologue script and how to cit in APA format. Then we were tasked with creating a script and performing a monologue for our country portraying a specific event that really showed the struggle they went through. To the side you will see the script I made for my monologue showing Ghandis Salt March of 1930. The script was only a page long and I struggled to memorize it. Of course, it was fine if I changed the wording a bit, but I was struggling to memorize whole paragraphs and forgetting the order of paragraphs. You see this in the video at the bottom of the page. I started to perform my script and then my mind just went blank and I couldn’t remember anything. I ended up starting over and I got through it the second time (also shown at the bottom of the page), but I switched up a lot of the lines and left out some. Leading up to having to perform, I studied my script every chance that I got. I practiced in my room, in class, in the halls. I read it as much as I could and I thought I had it down. I'm sure nerves also played a part in the mess up but I just totally went blank up there.
Something else we do all year is vocab in Language Arts. Each week we are given 25 roots, prefixes, and/or suffixes that we have to learn the definitions of. After a couple weeks we have a review quiz over all of the vocab lists. On it are 50 words from various lists we have learned so far. I normally do pretty well on the new list vocab quizzes but the review ones are where I struggle. I study for hours leading up to the review quizzes. On the side you can see the grades on my review quizzes. There is a 76% and an 80% and that is with studying all the words beforehand. I use flashcards and quizlet to study and I am still struggling to remember all of the vocab words. Some I have been struggling with the most are tion (act or state), clud (close), and se (apart). I can think of words that these are in, like conclude and separate, but I just cannot get it.
There are other classes where I struggle to remember stuff such as history with dates and Chinese where I struggle to remember definitions. I also struggle just in life in general to remember things (I have forgotten a lot of birthdays). What I try to do is to study leading up to a quiz or test and also to try and cram right before I take it so the material is also freshly in my mind. This sometimes help and sometimes I still fail.